Queer Fertility and Conception Class Series

This 4-session series meets in-person every other Wednesday, from 5:30 - 7:00pm in Brattleboro, VT. The class is intended for queer individuals and families looking for information, guidance, and support with their conception and family building process. Whether you are looking ahead to future plans, ready to start trying to conceive now, or have been trying for a while on your own and want more support, this class is for you! As with all of my offerings, my approach to care is queer and trans knowledgeable, trauma-informed, welcoming of all kinds of family constellations, and weight-neutral with a Health At Every Size framework.

Upcoming series DAtes have been postponed!!

Session dates are now: Oct 23, Nov 6, Nov 20, and Dec 4

Session Topics:

1) Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

  • Selecting a sperm donor, known vs. unknown sperm donors, fresh vs. frozen sperm, sperm bank options

  • Insemination plans, self-insemination vs. using a provider, home vs. clinic, cup vs. syringe

2) Cycle Tracking and Insemination Timing

  • Cycle tracking methods and information, including cervical fluid, basal body temperature (BBT), and Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) / Luteinizing Hormone (LH) testing

  • Cycle tracking apps, their uses and limitations

3) Fertility Support Nutrition, Sleep, Stress, Supplements, and Substances

  • Fertility supportive options with nutrition, sleep, stress, supplements, and substances

  • Prioritizing potential changes and reducing overwhelm (a.k.a. You Don’t Have To Do Everything!)

4) Navigating Fertility Resources

  • What fertility resources are available, including labwork and ultrasound, when and how to consider accessing them

  • Challenges and support navigating these resources as queer, trans, and/or solo parenting families


  • The space is accessible with wheelchairs and other mobility aids, with 3 dedicated parking spots next to the building. None of these disabled parking spots are specifically van/ramp accessible, but this can be arranged and planned for if needed.

  • I ask that folks attending the class are mindful of scents and avoid strongly scented products on the day of our group, but this will not be a fully scent-free gathering or physical space.

  • We will discuss the group’s needs for masking and other COVID-19 precautions at the first session. The default will be a mask-required gathering unless the full group consents to another plan.

  • The class will be held in an early childhood education facility, so there will be a lot of child-oriented materials and signage.

  • Childcare is not included. If you have older child(ren) you need to bring to in order participate, please let me know. There is a possibility of using an adjoining room if you are able to bring a non-participating adult/teen to be with your child(ren).

  • Bathrooms at class location are all multi-stall and gender-neutral.

Please Note: Family building topics that are not a focus of this class series include, egg and embryo donation, surrogacy, and adoption. We will cover generalized information on donor decision making, cycle charting, insemination timing, nutrition and supplements, and labwork, however individualized recommendations are out of the scope of this class and best delved into with an individual Fertility and Preconception Appointment with Kim.


  • Initial adult per family is $240 for the 4-session series ($60/session). Sliding scale is $200-$300 for the series.

  • Each additional adult per family is $160 for the 4-session series ($40/session). Sliding scale is $120-$220 for the series.

  • Please look over my payment and fees guidelines to learn more about my sliding scale and for guidance on where to place yourself on the sliding scale. Trade and barter options are not typically offered for Classes & Groups, but may be considered on a case-by-case basis.